Visit Pets Kept Secret at Johnson County Fairgrounds!
Johnson County Extension Homemakers Craft Fair at the Johnson County Fairgrounds!
Get your pet gear in person to represent your love for your pets!
Johnson County Extension Homemakers are part of a group that has statewide, national and international affiliations. Local clubs meet monthly to learn new things, share interests and develop supportive friendships. Johnson County has clubs that meet during the day and the evening, and some have special interests or activities.
Extension Homemaker Creed
We believe in the present and its opportunities, in the future and its promises, in everything that makes life large and lovely, in the divine joy of living and helping others, and so we endeavor to pass onto others that which has benefited us, striving to go onward and upward, reaching the pinnacle of economic perfection, in improving, enlarging and endearing the greatest institution in the world, THE HOME.
Indiana Extension Homemakers Mission Statement
To Strengthen Families Through:
Continuing Education
Leadership Development
Volunteer Community Support
Indiana Extension Homemakers Association Logo
The logo has three figures, which depict the endless combination of family, male, female, adult, child. The letters, IEHA, form an important portion of the home by providing support. The roof extends beyond the perimeter and indicates community influence.